Thursday, September 10, 2009

Who Knows about dying to one's self?

Is it possible to die to one's self? In the New Testament, Paul often speaks about being dead to himself and being a slave to Jesus. I'm certain there are living, breathing examples of people who are dead to self and wholly living to please to God and fulfill the example that Jesus set-surely Mother Teresa in her life was dead to self, however, having taken holy orders, one has to also believe that she was 'called' to the life she lived; free will not withstanding, Something Else was surely at play in her instance.

Is dying to one's self part of 'take up your cross and follow Me'?

Who knows?


  1. Wow....? Thats hard. I dont Think you have to give up who you are to love Christ. I know that we all have gifts that are given to use by God, these gifts are given freely from the almighty for us to use. Why would God give someone the ability to make people laugh and not want them to use it. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Why then kill thy self??

  2. It's the Bible story of the three servents and the master: the master was going away and gave each of his servents 'talents'. When the master returned two of the servents had made more talents with what was given them and so the master said,"Well done, good and faithful servent". But to the third servent who buried the talents he had been given and so was only able to give back to master what was given him, the third servent failed to please his master.

    God gave all of us talents, as well, and what we're supposed to do with them is bring more people to His Kingdom, or according to the story, make more talents.

    The gist of the story is, use the talents you're given and lead people to God and His Kingdom, follow the great commission that Christ gave us to go out and make disciples of all the world.

    So your talents are not for your benefit, but for His.
