Friday, September 4, 2009

God, Jesus, Holy Ghost and questions

This blog is about questions I (you, we, they, whomever, whatever!) have been afraid to ask for fear of looking, sounding, actually being, or being accused of being stupid.

I want to know. I need to know. I'm big on knowing. Knowing is cool and can be life saving. Not knowing can lead to casualties. So knowing is a good thing, not knowing is a bad thing, and we-you and I-are doing away with not knowing.

But you have to know. Because your granny told ya a long time ago...nope, ain't cuttin' it. Because Dr. Phil, as lovely a man as he may be, said last week-month, year, decade-no again, not a reference. Because the goat entrails told you .... um, this is definitely not the place for you. Back up your 'know'-ing. Article? Magazine? Personal study in such and such a book--NOW we're talking.

Just so you 'know'...I will be testing for gas. The "hot air" indicator will be employed.

Ok, kids, here's the first question:
What does it really mean to "Take up your cross and follow Me"? (Luke 9:23) How does one do that, exactly?


  1. I'd love to know the answer! What a refreshing look at the Book! I look forward to reading more!

    Kristi J.
    Tampa Bay, FL

  2. Thanks for those kind words. Maybe other people would love to 'know' the answer.

    Keep an eye on this blog...we'll find out together!

  3. I use to think that I know but I don't anymore. I do believe that it means different things to different people at different times. I'm not sure that anyone can answer that for you, but I do feel the need to answer if for myself.

  4. LLnL
    This is my blog. Thanks for your comments. I understand the self denial part of that Scripture but can't fathom the rest. Christ carried the cross for a short way, according to Scripture, before Simon of Cyrene was ordered to carry it. We can't save anyone, only Christ could do that unles...well, the idea is that Christ hung up on that cross to draw all people to our cross our commission to go into all the world spreading the Gospel? I wonder.

  5. I puy some thought into this... Christ literally had to bear his cross. Our souls were in his hands. he didn't turn and run, didn't whimper or wilt, He did what it was He was meant to do. The way I believe we can apply this into our every day lives is to take the negatives in our lives and, it's hard for me to put into words, but remember His grace in our dark times and try to make positives. Does that make sense? I'm not sure myself?

  6. Jesus did waiver, the human part of Him was as human as we this very day. He prayed to His Father if the cup could pass from His lips (if there was anyway He didn't have to face what He knew He was going to suffer...please God let it pass) but He glorified His Father and said, "Yet Your Will be done". How awesome and breath-taking. That thought, of the magnitude of His actions for the salvation of humankind, creates a huge area inside my brain about which I can only look upon and not ever understand.

    Thanks for posting.

  7. Well I will tell you this..... I think about God and his word everyday ….. I wonder if he gets as disgusted with the contempt and mockery of his word as I do? Many a false prophet will walk before you before I return (Al Sharpten and his new Reality show) (Benny Hinn and all the mega churches) and the many others fakes YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE… When doctrine dictates who is saved and who is cast aside. I could rant and rave more about what is happening in the churches of our world… I will spare you that @ this time but look forward to reading what others have to say about your subject, and your blog as it grows. May God bless you as he has Blessed me. I will keep in touch 

    It’s All Good!!!!!
